For fun, not for fame.

Pirates of the Seven Seas

CSixx - MYD - ons

I'm currently a member of two Commodore 64 user groups: Mayday! and Onslaught.

I go by the handle CSixx and primarily focus on software development and fixing old games to run in new ways. (IE: adapting them to new hardware, new formats, or simply fixing bugs)

You can take a look at some of my "retro" computers by clicking here...

personal projects

Google Maps for the Commodore 64!

C6Maps is an online mapping tool for your Commodore64 w/WiC64! 

Created mostly for fun, watch the demo on YouTube or Download here!

CSDB Browser

Browse right from your Commodore64 w/WiC64! 

Integrated into the WiC64 Portal, or download directly from here!

latest scene release

Soul Crystal +TFDS

Released by : Onslaught

Release Date : 28 November 2023

View on CSDB